Friends of the Library

Two large geese followed by three goslings.The Friends of the Lake Bluff Library was organized to:

  • Engage in benevolent activities connected with the donation of funds and items of personal property for use by the Lake Bluff Public Library
  • Represent the library at civic events
  • Support volunteer recruitment and advocacy of the Lake Bluff Library initiatives

While both the Lake Bluff Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library are nonprofit corporations, their mission and goals are quite different. The Foundation's goals are to help the Library with capital improvements, with funds raised through campaigns targeting specific needs. The Friends provide support for furnishings, equipment, and programming with funds raised via events and an annual solicitation through the mail. The Friends also aim to create a network of Library supporters and potential volunteers. Both organizations are extremely important to the health and vitality of the Library as they provide cohesive and complementary support.

Learn more about the projects funded by the Friends in the annual appeal letter.

Support the Friends

The Friends of the Lake Bluff Library is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

To donate, write in care of Claire Abrahamson, Secretary
Friends of the Lake Bluff Library
Lake Bluff Public Library
123 East Scranton Avenue
Lake Bluff, IL 60044

Please make checks payable to "The Friends of the Lake Bluff Library."

Stock Donations

You can donate stock to the Friends of the Library! Simply visit our Stock Donator page, create a login, select the Friends of the Lake Bluff Public Library, and setup a transfer.


Meeting Dates

Meetings are held at the Library. New members are always welcome.


January 20 at 11am
April 20 at 11am
July 20 at 11am
September 21 at 11am
October 19 at 11am

January 25 at 11am


Brittany Dressler, Vice President, Interim President
Margaret Abel
Claire Abrahamson
Jessica Daehler
Mary Dahlmann
Edye Draegert
Wendy Engelland
Cris Graham
Eva Javier
Ken Kasel
Linda Kennett
Eileen Laack
Liz Mayer
Megan Paszczykowski
Missy Romanoff
Ruth Schnell

We gladly welcome new members to the Friends Board. Check us out on social media or attend a meeting.