Contact Us

Quick Links

Account problems

First check our tutorials on using your online account; if that doesn't help, send us a message.

Reference questions

We're happy to answer your reference questions! Please submit your question here.

Freedom of Information Act requests

Please see the FOIA instructions here.

Comments, questions, or suggestions

Your feedback is welcome and valued. Please use this form.

Purchase request

Is there something you think we should purchase for our collection? Tell us about it!

Contact the Library Board of Trustees

Contact the Board via email.

Not sure who to contact?

Email our reference desk and we'll be happy to route your question to the appropriate person.

Staff Directory

David Seleb
Interim Library Director

Jillian Chapman
Community Engagement and Communications Manager

Anthony Garriga
Technology Manager

Katie McLain Horner
Reference and Circulation Manager

Eliza Jarvi
Adult and Youth Services Manager

Interior view of the Lake Bluff Public Library