Evaluating the Library's Hours Pilot
By the time the spring issue of Off the Shelf is received in homes, the Library will almost be ready to start the third month of the Hours Pilot. To learn more about the Library’s pilot of adjusted hours, visit our Hours Pilot page.
A comprehensive evaluation of the Library’s Hours Pilot requires the collection of data—both quantitative and qualitative—from a variety of sources. Each month of the pilot, I present this data for Library Trustees to review and discuss at their monthly Board meetings to inform a holistic understanding of the levels of impact of the pilot. I invite the community to listen in on these discussions and learn about our findings by attending a Library Board Meeting in-person or watching recordings of these meetings on the Library’s YouTube Channel.
In an effort of transparency and open communication, I’d like to share with the community the type of quantitative and qualitative data that the Board, staff, and I are reviewing in this evaluation. This data includes:
- Community feedback
- Assessment of staff capacity to deliver library services
- Analysis of staffing levels to ensure building safety and desk coverage
- Daily and monthly visit count statistics and trends
- Number of Library events cancelled or rescheduled
- Number of passport appointments cancelled
The Board and staff will continue to gather feedback from the community and analyze this data throughout the six-month pilot. At that point, the Board will consider next steps—finalize the pilot hours as the new operating hours of the Library; make changes to the pilot hours, or extend the existing pilot to gather more data. As is our practice, the Library will continue to communicate out broadly and openly across all our channels, so that you are informed every step of the way.
The Library’s ability to provide regular hours of operation relies on strong financial planning. That is why at the end of February, the Board and I participated in the organization’s first Board Retreat, with the goal of discussing the Library’s financial goals and priorities. During this retreat, we discussed the Library’s current financial standing, received a presentation from a registered municipal advisory firm on financial opportunities, and strategized for future Library needs to ensure the sustainability of the organization. The Trustees and I look forward to reporting out about the Board Retreat to the community and sharing next steps.
The Library wants to hear from you. Attend a Board Meeting and participate in public comment, or email me directly.
Renee Grassi
Library Director
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